Exam Questions for Module 1

The exam is for 30 marks. Please use this to reflect on your learnings from the 4 sessions on ‘Coasts and Marine Ecosystem Restoration’.

Answer any three. Each question carries 10 marks. Answers should not be more than 300 words.

  1. How important are sand dune ecosystems in coastal resilience?
  2. How are corals affected by climate change? Give an example of coral restoration in India.
  3. List challenges and opportunities of coastal eco-system restoration.
  4. How important is site selection in the process of mangrove eco-system restoration? What are the steps for site selection?
  5. List various policy interventions to achieve coastal protection in India. Discuss the effectiveness of CRZ Notification, 2011
  6. Discuss the role of youth in coastal protection and eco-system restoration.
  7. What are nature-based solutions in coastal ecosystem protection and conservation? Discuss the role of traditional knowledge in eco-system restoration.

Email the completed exam paper to the course coordinator by 21st July, 2021, with Subject Line ‘Your Name - Exam Answers - Coasts and Marine Ecosystem Restoration’.
Email the assignment to: [email protected] , [email protected]
For questionss, you may call the following numbers:  94 22 063 917, 88 66 8 19 817


Recording of Interactive session with Saravanan KR
(Module 1, Week 4 of Ecosystem Restoration Course)

Coasts and Marine Ecosystem:
Assignment Week 4

Recording of Interactive session with Dr Aaron lobo
(Module 1, Week 3 of Ecosystem Restoration Course)

Coasts and Marine Ecosystem:
Assignment Week 3

Recording of An Interactive session with Dr Deepak Apte (Module 1, Week 2 of Ecosystem Restoration course)

Coasts and Marine Ecosystem:
Assignment Week 2

Webinar on Coastal and Marine Ecosystem-19 june 2021

Coasts and Marine Ecosystem:
Assignment Week 1